
Showing posts from August, 2020

Muladhara; The Root Chakra

  Muladhara or The Root Chakra as it's more commonly known, means "To Have". It is a four petalled lotus shaped Chakra located in the base of the spine, large intestines, legs and feet. It seeks survival through stability, grounding and right livelihood.  It's emotional expression depends upon its state of function, when this Chakra is blocked, you may experience feelings of fear, anxiety, financial instability and lack of grounding.  When Muladhara is over active you may experience emotions such as greed, lust for power, aggression materialism and cynicism. When it functions optimally you will experience a sense of security, safety, centredness, grounding and a zest for life.  There are a range of yoga poses one can perform that assist in maintaining optimal function of the Muladhara Chakra.  1. Tadasana  "Mountain" Pose   This pose is a rather simple base pose. Simply start by standing with your big toes touching and your heels slightly apart. Rock b...