The Sacred Union
The Sacred Union
Sex.. When people think of sex, they usually envision the passionate throws of a couple between the sheets, or some strange and unusual fetish like staining mattresses with exotic fruit salads while putting the durability of leather garments to the test, all in the name of one thing; The Big O.
It’s rare, these days that anyone stops to think about the spirit and the soul. We say things like “my soul-mate this, or my soul-mate that”, but do we truly stop to think about, and deeply understand what that really means?
Adam, Eve and The Serpent
It would be rare to find a person that hasn’t heard of the story of Adam and Eve in scriptures. You know, God makes boy, then makes girl out of boy’s rib, they live happily in the Garden of Eden until that fateful day that the girl is tempted to eat the forbidden fruit by a snake.
This story, like many in the Bible isn’t as simple and clear cut as what most may think. It’s an allegorical story relating to sex, lust, desire, and the Will. Adam and Eve represent mankind as it’s duality, the feminine and the masculine counterparts, because, each individual carries this duality within them, two snakes, or energetic centers that sit at the base of the spine. The tree, is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it represents the spinal column, while, the serpents are the sexual fire, a very powerful energy that can be used to create or destroy.
In the story, Eve, the feminine aspect, was tempted by the serpent on the tree, the ‘Lucifer’ aspect of the Serpent known as ‘Shaitan’ in Hebrew, the enemy. The Serpent tempts Eve with an apple, representing material things and self-edification, tempting Adam and Eve to ‘know’. To know in this sense relates to knowing of another through copulation, to experience orgasm and the ejaculation of the sperm, thus bringing the awareness of good and evil into the consciousness of mankind, for it is through the orgasm that comes lust and desire.
And so, as a result of succumbing to the temptation of the Serpents intoxicating seduction, Adam and Eve knew then of lust and desire, they became aware of their own innocence, their nakedness that kept them blissfully serene within the sacred Garden. With this, they were forced to leave the Garden and enter the realm of materialism, the world of ecstasy and suffering.
Transmutation Of The Serpent
The Serpent has two representations, that of temptation and that of power. The Gods are always represented as having control over the Serpent, such as the serpent in the story of Moses who accomplished great miracles which defeated Egypt.
The Dragon or Serpent within represents lust, anger, passion, pride, fear and envy. The Serpent says, “You’re not going to die, but it will open you to know of good and evil”. It is necessary to conquer the Dragon or Serpent within in order to reach the Gold, true Cosmic Orgasm and connection to the Divine. As the Serpent of power it’s ultimately up to the individual to decide their actions and whether that power will be used for good or for evil, it is the difference between obeying the Serpent and controlling it. Only those with the strength of Will can control the serpent to transform themselves from intellectual animals to true human beings.
When two people unite sexually, the internal polarity is balanced and enhanced, a tremendous energy is excited which permeates with the power to create. In this connection, the couple is appreciating the tree of knowledge, to know. To conquer the desire of the orgasm is to conquer the serpent that tempted Eve, which is always on the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. This is the only place to conquer it and gain true knowledge and sexuality.
Sex can be lustful, or chaste, sex can create or destroy sex can be animal or worshipful, sex can raise a fiery chariot to God, or pave a road to the abyss, sex is the natural function of the human being, but only sex that is performed under the guidance of Divine Will. This is the fire of the Holy Spirit as demonstrated by the tongues of fire raised above the Apostles. The Hebrew letter ש ‘Shin’, with its three points embodies the three forces of creation; it represents the fire of God, the fire of the Holy Spirit and the fire of Christ. The fire of sexual energy must create or else it will destroy, it cannot be contained and if repressed it will seek expression destructively, internally through the mind, anger or sexual degeneration as seen by the rampant fanaticism and perversions of Priests in religions around the world. This is why all of the world’s great religions emphasize chastity, not abstention from sex, but abstention from spilling the divine energy that is the Holy Spirit. Sex is a necessity for spiritual enhancement; man must be born again through the sexual energy, as spirit gives birth to spirit, in order to enter the realm of God. The soul must be born of the water and the spirit of sex.
The Serpent or Kundalini energy must be transmuted into spiritual energy, accomplished by connecting with the spouse without spilling the energy through the orgasm. A man and woman contain duality and when they unite they create the Christic fire, and the waters of eternal life that are developed in loving chastity. When a man or woman commits adultery, they’re essentially destroying themselves. The Great Arcanum, or Secret knowledge of Tantra, is the key to unlock the mysterious door to spiritual rebirth. There are three types of Tantra; Black Tantra, Grey Tantra and White Tantra. Black Tantra is equal to the stimulation of sexual sensation and identification with lust. Grey Tantra teaches that one should only orgasm on occasion, but can ultimately lead to Black Tantra. White Tantra always teaches three main factors; the elimination of desire (death), the creation of the soul (birth), and sacrifice for others. All white Tantra teaches to renounce the orgasm; it is the path of sanctity and chastity that frees the consciousness from the ego, awakening the pristine consciousness, freed from all desires. Black Tantra is the path of self identification and fornication; it awakens the consciousness that is trapped in the ego, leaving the soul trapped in suffering.
Humanity left Eden as a couple and as a couple they must return, this is illustrated by the ancients through the need for both a Priest and a Priestess, the couple that must work together in order to reach perfection. Couples that conquer the desire to eat the fruit of the tree knowledge internally gather up all of that energy, and gradually that energy can be used to create something within. Rather than feeding their own lust they can restore their own inner Eve, the fallen serpent; and from there they may raise their own serpent in the Kundalini. They can illuminate the tree of life which exists within the human body, the spinal column, and they can create divine light within themselves, and return to the direct knowledge of their own inner good.
White Tantra is the road back to Eden, mankind must return to the state of purity and innocence it once had in order to transcend suffering and pain. To acquire true spiritual awakening, it is necessary to defy the tempting serpent and raise the fire of the Holy Spirit to create the Human Soul. This is the key to the great secret knowledge of Alchemy, to transmute the lead of the ego and desire into the spiritual Gold of consciousness, the chemistry of God.
It is necessary to transcend the mind, just as Light is necessary to see through the darkness. In order to incarnate Light it is mandatory to transcend the animal desires that fill the mind. Therefore, one must understand and act upon the mystery of Adam and Eve.
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