The Seventh House
Spiritually considered, the seventh house or The House of Marriage is represented by Libra (the balance) , or point of equilibrium; where two souls are still one, balanced upon the western horizon. The alluring temptations of material illusion draws the soul downward, and divorces from their celestial state, until the twilight of consciousness of that former state is lost in the night of material conditions.
Upon the reverse of the zodiac, the external human plane, this house symbolises law, open enemies and justice. It’s a physical sense of duality and unity between self and another of which the antagonism of these matters becomes evidently apparent. The seventh house is also know as Dysis or the Western Angle. It’s an angular, masculine, diurnal house; it’s a strong and powerful house, but is said to attack the safety of the chart through its opposition to the ascendant. It’s associated with black and dark colours, in the body it rules from the navel to the top of the legs, including the buttocks, lower intestines, bladder and reproductive organs.
The seventh house describes partnerships of all forms, it will describe the ‘other person’, the spouse or lover, and will show the business partnerships and legal contracts that pertain to them. In this house we will see all enemies and opponents that we know about. It shows fugitives and runaways, including escaped convicts and criminals on the run. In matters of theft it represents the thief and whether or not the lost property will be recovered. In journeys, it indicates the destination and in questions concerning relocation it describes the property that you intend to move to. On a larger scale the seventh house can show the divorce rates and any issues relating to them. Enemies of a nation, outlaws and fugitives who are not imprisoned. War or peace can be determined from the seventh with treaties and agreements being described. “Mercury in the seventh house denotes much activity in foreign affairs, and if well aspected, treaties, commercial agreements and successful negotiations with powers. If afflicted it shows double-dealings with other powers, diplomatic blunders, breaking of treaties, commercial and trade disputes with foreign countries and general disagreements.” Says Raphael. You may also see in this house a doctor or physician treating an ailment and their ability to overcome the disease.
Libra and the moon co-significate this house; Lily says; “Saturn or Mars unfortunate herein shows ill marriage.” As a rule when assessing a horary chart, the seventh will represent the astrologer, if the house is heavily afflicted, the astrologer should take caution in proceeding with the judgement. This is especially so if the lord of the seventh is afflicted in the tenth house which suggests harm to their professional reputation. If the matter is that of a seventh house issue then it is necessary to proceed with awareness and diligence that these indicators maybe describing the matter.
The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne
Deborah Houlding,
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