The Twelfth House
Spiritually considered the twelfth house is symbolised by Taurus representing the first expression of form of the human soul. It is matter in the most etherealised state. It is the trail of the serpent; the silent, secret, tenacious, negative principle; that ultimately draws the soul down into the vortices of gross matter and death.
Upon the reverse of the zodiac, the external human plane the twelfth house is now symbolised by Pisces. The idols, false ideals and vampires of his own creation, are to be cleansed and washed away by the waters of love, the universal solvent that is ever seeking to bring change and new forms; born again of water to make the round of the astral zodiac, until, having again reached the equator of the ascending arc, where he is reunited to the missing half of the soul, the true friend of the Edenic state; the highest point in the arc of human progress won; the honour and glory of a perfected soul; the Lord and Master, the ‘I am that I am’, to rest In peace in the heart of Infinite Love and Wisdom.
The twelfth house is known as the ‘Cacodaemon’ or Evil Spirit and the House of Enemies. It is a cadent, feminine, nocturnal house considered to be the most unfortunate house in the chart. It’s associated with green, the feet and is generally considered a house of illness and disease.
The twelfth house represents all matters that are hidden, restrained, secret, incapable of taking action or being fully understood. This can sometimes manifest as things that are not yet developed or recognised. It’s a house associated with sad events, sorrow, anguish of mind, nightmares, tribulations, captivity, imprisonment, persecution, hard labour and all manners of self undoing and affliction; self sacrifice, drugs, alcohol, suicide, addiction, lying etc. It represents places that are denied to public view, particularly those concerned with seclusion or isolation, where one is restricted from living a carefree lifestyle, such as institutions and prisons. It shows ‘skeleton in the closet’ type scandals and personal fears related to such. Transits can sometimes bring out guilty secrets, hidden, unknown enemies, whom maliciously undermine their neighbours and inform secretly against them. Traitors, spies, witchcraft, malicious haunting, weakness, infirmity and bondage.
This is also a house of large stock such as cattle, horses, oxen, donkeys, camels, elephants etc, “those which serve a mount for men” Ezra. It can be used to signify the mothers siblings (3rd from 10th), finances of friends (2nd from 11th), sickness of spouse (6th from 7th) and death of children (8th from 5th). In a larger scale the twelfth shows the prison system, criminals, people in exile, secret enemies of the nation at home or abroad, underground movements, anarchy, secret societies and occult groups. Monasteries, hospitals, asylums and institutions governing those who are weak, infirm and those in need of support, and, as such the nations welfare. Concentration camps, slaves, homeless people, the wounded and those kept in bondage.
In charts of conflict this house will describe the incarceration of the defendant. It may show that a perpetrator goes into hiding. It shows the work of a saboteur, unhelpful or fateful influences or unknown elements of destruction. The Sun in this house in a chart of an unfortunate event may indicate that underlying factors may not be brought to light under the public view. Particular care should be taken in charts of business matters if the twelfth is emphasised. Relevant details maybe obscured and the general reputation of harm and self undoing causes strife for commercial affairs.
Pisces and Venus cosignificate the twelfth while Saturn rejoices here. Lily says “for naturally Saturn is the author of mischief.” This house relates to mysteries, yesterday and the past, including that of Ancient history.
The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne
Deborah Houlding,
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