Cancer The Crab

The sign of Cancer symbolises tenacity in life. The crab, in order to move forward, is compelled to walk backwards; which illustrates the suns apparent motion, when in this sign, where it commences to move backwards toward to equator again. It also represents the fruitful, sustaining essence of life forces, hence, we see the symbol of the crab occupying a prominent position upon the breast of the statue of Isis, the universal mother and sustainer of all. Kabbalistically, the sign Cancer signifies the vital organs of the grand man of the starry heavens, and therefore, represents the breathing and digestive functions of the human family. And also indicates the magnetic control of this constellation over the spiritual, ethereal and vital essences, and the capacity of those specially dominated by this nature to receive and assimilate inspirational currents. Hence, Cancer governs the powers of inspiration and respiration of the grand man. 

The sign Cancer, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Zebulon, of whom his patriarchal father declares, “Zebulon shall dwell at the haven of the sea, and he shall be for an haven of ships,” astrologically intimating the home of the crab, which is upon the sea shore. It also expresses the varied powers of cohesion, and the paradoxical truths found in all contradictories. The mystical gem of the sign is pearl. The stone constitutes a powerful talisman for all natives of Cancer, which is the highest emanation of the watery trigon, and is the constellation of the Moon. 

 Upon the intellectual plane, Cancer signifies the equilibrium of spiritual and material forces. This dominated by its influx express the highest form of the reflective powers; they are timid and retiring, are truly passive, and constitute natural mediums. Cancer possesses but little of the intuitional qualities. That which appears to be intuition is direct inspiration. To the external eye, the natives of the water trigon appear to be slothful; whereas, they are incessant workers upon a higher or mental plane. 

This sign expresses to us the conservation of forces. Its chief attributes are sensitiveness and reflection. Upon the physical plane, Cancer gives medium stature, the upper part larger than the lower, a small, round face, pale or delicate complexion, brown hair and small, pensive grey eyes; disposition effeminate, timid, thoughtful; temper mild; conversation agreeable and pleasant. Of plants, this sign rules cucumbers, squashes, melons, and all water vegetation such as rushes, water lilies etc. Of stones, Cancer governs chalk, selenite, and all soft, white stones. 

Art by Ciro Marchetti


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 


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