Leo The Lion
The sign Leo symbolises strength, courage and fire. The hottest portion of the year, in the northern hemisphere, is when the sun is passing through this sign. It is the solar Lion of the mysteries that ripens, with its own internal heat, the fruits brought forth from the earth by the germination and moisture of Isis.
Kabbalistically, the sign Leo signifies the heart of the grand man, and represents the life centre of the fluidic circulatory system of humanity. It is also the fire vortex of physical life. Hence, those born under this influx are noted for a superior strength of their physical constitution; and also for their wonderful recuperative powers after being exhausted by sickness.
The sign Leo upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Judah, of whom his dying parent says, “Judah is a lions whelp, from the prey my son thou art gone up. He stooped down, he couched as a lion.” This sign reveals to us mysteries of the ancient sacrifice, and the laws of compensation. The mystical gem of Leo is ruby, and it forms a most potent disease-resisting talisman for all governed by the Leonine influx.
Leo is the second emanation of the fiery triplicity, and is in the constellation of the sun. Upon the intellectual plane, Leo signifies the sympathies of the heart. Those dominated by its influx are generous even to excess with their friends. By nature they are deeply sympathetic, and possess that peculiar grade of magnetic force which enables them to arouse into action the latent sympathies in others. As orators their earnest, impulsive, sympathetic style makes them an irresistible success.
The natives of Leo are impulsive and passionate, honest and faithful. Their mental forces are ever striving to attain unto some higher state; hence, their ideas are always in excess of their means to accomplish their large, majestic and grand plans. Upon the physical plane, Leo gives a large, fair stature, broad shoulders, large, prominent eyes, oval face, ruddy complexion, and light hair, generally golden. This is for the first twenty degrees of the sign. The last ten degrees give the same but a much smaller person. Disposition high spirited, resolute, haughty and ambitious. Of plants, this sign rules anise, camomile, cowslip, daffodil, dill, eglantine, eye-bright, fennel, St. John’s wort, lavender, parsley, yellow lily, poppy, marigold, garden mint, mistletoe and pimpernel. Of stones, Leo governs the hyacinth and chrysolite, and all soft yellow minerals such as ochre.
Art by A.Andrew Gonzalez
The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne
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