Libra The Scales

This constellation, in its symbolical aspect, typifies justice. Most people have no doubt seen the goddess of justice represented as a female, blind-folded, holding on her hand a pair of scales. This conception is purely astrological, and refers to the celestial Libra of the heavens. The sun enter this sign about the 21st of September, when the poet Manilius says: “Day and night are weighed in Libras scales, equal awhile, at last the night prevails.” 

Kabbalistically, the sign of Libra signifies the reins and loins of the grand celestial man, and therefore, represents the central conservatory or store house of the reproductive fluids. It is also the magnetic vortex of pro-creative strength. This constellation also represents, in the most interior aspect, the equinoctial point of the arc in the ascending and descending cycle of the life atom. Therefore, this sign contains the unification of the cosmic forces as the grand central point of equilibrium of the sphere. 

Libra upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Dan. The patriarch, in his blessing, this refers to his celestial nature; “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel.” Libra represents the interior equilibrium of nature’s forces, and contains the mystery of the divine at-one-moment of the ancient initiations. Upon the universal chart, this sign becomes Enoch, the perfect man. It’s mystical gem is the diamond. As a magnetic talisman, this stone acts as a repulsive force, and combines with the magnetic sphere of those born under its influence, to repel the emanations from foreign bodies, either of person or things. Libra is the second emanation of the air trigon, and is the constellation of Venus. 

Upon the intellectual plane, Libra signifies external perception, balanced by intuition, the union of which becomes externalised as reason and foresight. Therefore, those dominated by this influence constitute the rationalistic school of the worlds body thinkers. Theoretically, they are strong supporters of such conceptions as universal brotherhood, universal equality, and rights of man. But practically, they seldom (unless it pays) reduce their pet theories to practice. The natives of Libra, though possessing a finely balanced mental and magnetic organism, are seldom elevated into prominent positions. This is because they are too even, both mentally and physically, to become under the influence to accept or adopt the golden mean, or, as it has been termed, “the happy medium.” Hence, they generally command respect from both sides on questions of debate. 

 Upon the physical plane, Libra generally produces, when rising at birth, a tall, slender form, of perfect proportions, brown hair, blue sparkling eyes, and fine clear complexion. The disposition is noble, amiable, high minded, and good. It is perhaps as well to note the fact that this sign often produces dark brown and black hair, and in females, very handsome features. Of plants, this sign rules watercress, white rose, strawberry, primrose, vibes, heartsease, balm, lemon-thyme and pansy. Of stones, Libra governs white marble, opal, spar, and all white quartz. 

 Art by unknown


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 


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