The Eleventh House
Spiritually considered the eleventh house, or House of Friends, symbolised by Gemini, the twins, expressive of the first emanation of this sublime relationship, the dual attributes, love and wisdom, closest friends. It is sensation and aspiration, which enable the spirit to attain to the exalted state indicated by the tenth house.
Upon the reversed of the zodiac, the external human plane, the eleventh house is symbolised by Aquarius. Friends surround and welcome him. These friends are pure thoughts, noble impulses, lofty ideals, and generous deeds. The bread cast upon the waters of life returns to nourish and sustain him in his encounter with the secret foes from the twelfth.
The eleventh house is known as the ‘Bona Fortuna’ or ‘Good Fortune’, it’s a succeedent, masculine, diurnal house, and is considered a house of major influence because it rises to the midheaven. Astrologers like Ptolemy and Simmonite gave it rulership over children. Lily also suggested it to be of equal power to the fourth and seventh. It’s associated with yellow and the legs to the ankles. As a house of good spirits it’s said to give a confident attitude and general resistance to debilitating disease.
The house of friendship will show your supporters, benefactors and those that help directly or discreetly. It is the house of beneficial fate, positive hope, trust, praise, comfort, goals and ambition. It’s condition indicates fidelity or falseness of friends and it has rulership over promotions by recommendation from others. It has been said to show the Kings, Governments or Ruling Powers favourites, councillors, servants, associates and allies. It is a house of freedom, optimism and confidence that denotes personal strength.
A well aspected eleventh is fortunate for any chart. On a larger scale the eleventh is the parliament, especially the ‘House of Commons’; town and county councils and infrastructure. It’s the allies of the nation, the resources and ammunition of the party in power. As the hopes of the nation it shows when the people are disillusioned if afflicted. It will show programs or schemes, social organisations and clubs that assist in humanities improvement, places and institutions that offer relief and shelter.
In charts of conflict this house can be important to consider with respect to the defendant, positive influences towards this house can suggest emphasised fortune that equals freedom and release. The eleventh house will show any friends of the querent and step children (5th from 7th). It’s the profit increase from a professional endeavour and the mother’s money (2nd from 10th). Lily recorded that if a querent has a secret wish, the condition of this house will show whether or not they are likely to receive what they desire. He also called it the house of ‘comfort and relief’ and used it to represent places where we gain security and restoration. The Sun and Aquarius cosignificate this house while Jupiter rejoices here given its attributes as the great benefic.
The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne
Deborah Houlding,
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