The Second House

The 2nd House Spiritually considered the second house relates to Pisces, the House of Wealth, that which has been accumulated on the long and toilsome journey- the wealth of experience, acquired through trials and struggles. And now, with higher, greater possibilities, the soul eagerly awaits the hour it shall be born again, a conscious, responsible being, to begin the second round of the Cyclic Ladder; on this second round, to externalise the knowledge gained, to evolve the involved attributes and forces of being;- a creature of Will and intellect to work out its destiny, as the lord of material creation. 

Upon the reversed Zodiac, the external human plane, the second house is now represented by Taurus. Showing us now that personal wealth and possession must come through patient servitude, steady application, and diligence, in being able to choose and assimilate the knowledge, that will enable man to battle with material conditions, and wrest from the abundant sources of Mother Nature his share of treasure and experience. It is the battle ground to which humanity, armed with brain and will, life and energy, goes forth to battle with material forces for the bread he must earn by the sweat of his brow, and through silent, subtle forces of the mind and soul to conquer matter, thus storing up a wealth of knowledge and experience. 

The second house is known as the ‘Anaphora’, the Greek word for “rising up”, as the second house is the next to rise as the Sun ascends upon the heavens. The second house is a succeedant, feminine, nocturnal house that relates to the colour green, the throat and neck down to the shoulders. This is a house of personal resources, here you will find ones means of comfort, how they earn an income, personal goods and belongings, assets, gains, money lent, gifts, ammunition, lost items and support or assistance from others. 

All of the succeedant houses show support and resources given to their previous angle. The second house will show the assets and financial state of a nation. It describes the treasury, revenue and all places and activities concerned with making money; such as banks, the stock exchange, financial institutions, money markets and trade, exports and money lent to other nations. Ibn Ezra places food under this house and we may assume that it influences the state and value of the nations crops, produce, and essential supplies. If a question involves war, the second house will show the allies and supporters of who ever initiated the conflict. In legal matters it shows friends, assistants and witnesses who act on behalf of the prosecution. Jupiter and Taurus are co-significators for the second house, Lily says; “if Jupiter be placed in this house or the lord thereof, it’s and argument of an estate or fortune. Sun and Mars are never well placed in this house, either of them cause dispersion of substance, according to the capacity and quality that is either born or asks the question.” 

The Sun ruling the second is not such an affliction. Always beware of the condition of the second house and it’s ruler in any question where money is important, where a financial agreement is sought. A strong second ruler with benefic aspects indicates benefit to the querent, but a weak second and strong eighth ruler suggests loss for the querent and gains for the other party. It will show you things happening in the near future; tomorrow.


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 

Deborah Houlding,


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