The Sixth House

Spiritually considered the sixth house, or house of Sickness, menials and sorrows is symbolised by Scorpio. The fall from Libra, through Scorpio (sex), created the first condition of what we recognise as sickness and affliction. It is evident that this house is related to elementals of the astral plane, which become servitors of man. 

Upon the reverse of the Zodiac, on the external human plane, the sixth house governs sickness and disease, and is symbolical of Virgo, an earthy sign, clearly showing us that the material form is the matrix, out of which are born diseases and suffering. But, the perfect assimilation of the fruit of the “Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil;” transmuting the trials, experiences, sorrows, and suffering of the physical and external life into his material universe; and the blind forces of Nature become his servant. 

The sixth house is known as the ‘Mala Fortuna’, it’s a cadent, feminine, nocturnal house, considered to be unfortunate by the lack of aspect to the ascendant. This house is associated with dark colours, it rules the lower part of the belly and smaller intestines, the guts, the liver and the kidneys. In this house we will find the condition and causes of any illness and disease, and whether or not the illness will be short or long lived, or if it’s curable. The condition of the ruling planet will describe if a disease is physical or psychological by nature. If the planet is retrograde, the disease is likely to be recurring. 

It relates to all matters involving the health industry and those who work in it; dentists, doctors, nurses and non traditional healers etc. The sixth house is a house of servants, slaves, tenants and employees; some specifically mentioned are labourers, farmers, shepherds, caretakers and lodgers. Saturn in the sixth brings about much work and little appreciation or pay. It may describe an elderly relative, patient, employee, nurse, pet or tenant who causes issues. As a house of work it’s also affiliated with general domestic duties and errands; as such it can show the appliances and tools we use to make life easier and get work done. 

Here we will find pets and small animals; pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits etc (while 5th shows a beloved pet), and any profit or loss attached to such animals. The connection to farming- or work on the land- also gives a general indication towards crops and food. As the third house from the fourth you will see relatives on the side of the father, uncles, aunts, cousins etc. Its been added that since it is the eighth from the eleventh, you may find the death of friends here. As a cadent house, it generally represents sorrow, weakness and affliction from foreign and unhelpful conditions. On a larger scale it shows a nations food reserves, particularly grains. 

You’ll see here people who keep public records such as book-keepers, archivists, public data clerks and libraries. Generally, it’s the working class, civil services, the armed forces; the police when they serve the people. Factories, trade unions, social security services and disability allowances, however, it’s not considered to rule over people on welfare, essentially because they’re considered to live on charity and not work. This house will highlight periods of epidemic and widespread disease. 

For questions of conflict, this house represents agents sent in secret against the querent; spies, private investigators etc. Virgo and Mercury co-signifcate this house, although Mars finds its joys here. Lily says; “Mars and Venus here in conjunction show arguments of a good physician.”


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 

Deborah Houlding,


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