The Third House
Spiritually considered the third house is symbolised by Aquarius. This is the first step of the upward journey, or evolution, from the inert mineral state. The changes are now rapid; the journey innumerable; through mineral, vegetable, and animal planes of existence. Here, the Soul Monad brings into actual practice the knowledge gained on its long voyage. The magical powers of the soul are brought into action to affect these changes in form and function, conquering material forces and planes of life, transmitting nature’s elements to its uses and purposes, and writing its history, ads to its journey ever onward, step by step. And further, this house stands in opposition of the ninth house, symbolised by Leo; longing to expand its (the Egos) possibilities through trial and suffering; gaining knowledge through bitter experiences; yet fearlessly braving all things; guided and sustained by the imperial will of spirit. The recompense promised by that supreme sacrifice has been won in Aquarius- the Man- consecrated now to a higher existence, baptised in the waters of affliction (experience), ready to be transmuted into actual knowledge. This is Aquarius and the third house.
Upon the reverse Zodiac of the external human plane; the third house is related to Gemini, the twins, Reason and Intuition, the brethren who aid and guide us on our many journeys in pursuit of knowledge. As this sign governs the hands and arms, and the executive forces of humanity, we see, that the hands become magical agents of mind, moulding into outward form, the idea conceived in the mind, projecting these into the field of active life, that he may write a bright record in the book of life. The hands should be kept clean, the images pure; and the perfect poise gained by the equal exercise of love and wisdom, intuition and reason, making the basis of education; the evolution of the interior or real self. This is the true meaning of this house upon the external plane. It is Occult, because it means projecting the powers of the soul into conscious life, externalising the qualities and magical forces of spirit, as shown in the first instance by Aquarius. This can be accomplished only through desire and aspiration. Otherwise the unbalanced scales, with floods and cataclysm, will be the result.
The third house was known to the ancients as the ‘Dea’ which is Latin for Goddess. It’s a Cadent, masculine, nocturnal house affiliated with the colour orange, the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. The third house is where we find our brothers and sisters, our cousins, extended family members, and school comrades. It’s our neighbourhood, the local community, schools and the education system, the environment where we live and work, and as such, it shows the short journeys we take to move among our locality. It’s a place of private worship, where we participate in our own customs of unorthodox ritual. It’s a house of expression given its association with the hands but also communication, and as such we can find letters, rumours, reports, written deeds, contracts, speeches, debates, messages and messengers here. On a larger scale we can find magazines and newspapers, and as a result National scandal, public opinion, issues concerning free speech and propaganda through the press. All basic technology like communication networks, telephones, computers, faxes, emails, literature, periodicals, and television. The public transport system and all means of inland travel such as roads, trains, cars, subways, trams and river traffic. You’ll also see from this house neighbouring countries, international languages, and documents that relate to international agreements. In questions about conflict, the third house may show the ability to affect the situation through correspondence, all written statements and propaganda of the initiator.
The Moon finds its joys in the third house, Lily says; “for she be posited herein, especially in a moveable sign, it’s an argument of much travel, trotting and trudging, or of seldom being quiet.” Cosignified by Gemini and Mars, Lily says; “which is the one reason why Mars in this house, unless joined to Saturn is not very unfortunate.” In a question of business or financial nature, an affliction to the third house warns of difficulties in contracts and written deeds. In relationships it suggests communication problems or mental incompatibility- Mars in the third can show arguments and crossroads; Saturn an inability to communicate. Malefics in the third can show unwelcome visitors or poorly delivered news.
The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne
Deborah Houlding,
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