Aries The Ram

The sign Aries, in its symbolical aspect, represents the sacrifice. The flocks and heards bring forth their young during the portion of the year when the sun occupies this sign. In addition to the sacrifice, the Ram also symbolises the spring and the commencement of a new year, when life, light and love, are to be bestowed upon the sons of earth in consequence of the sun having once more gained the victory over the realms of winter and death. 

The symbol of the slain lamb upon the equinoctial cross, is another type of Aries. Kabbalistically, the sign Aries represents the head and brains of the good man of the cosmos. It is the acting, thinking principle in nature called, sometimes, instinct, and again intelligence. Upon the esoteric planisphere, the sign is occupied by Benjamin, of whom Jacob, in his blessings to serve the twelve sons, says “Benjamin shall rave as a wolf, in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night divide the spoils.” Above all other animals, the wolf is sacred to the planet Mars, and the sign Aries is under the special and peculiar control of this planet. Mars is the most fiery of all planets, and Aries is the first constellation of the fire triplicity. The correspondence is significant. The Hebrews conceded this reference to the planetary nature of Mars by combining the wolf and the ram. “The wolf in sheep’s clothing” reveals to us the evil action of Mars when malefically posited in his own sign, the Ram. 

The Kabbalistical gem of this sign is Amethyst, and those born with Aries rising upon the Ascendant of their horoscope, possess in this stone a powerful magnetic talisman. Upon the intellectual plane, Aries signifies the martial spirit of destructiveness and aggression. It rules the head; “Out of his mouth went a double edged sword.” It is the active will under the guidance of the executive forces of the brain; and those dominated by this influx are imperious, dauntless, and energetic, in the first degree. They will never really submit to the control of others. Upon the physical plane, Aries produces a spare but strong body, a medium height, long face, and bushy eye brows, rather long neck, powerful chest, complexion rather swarthy; disposition courageous, ambitious, intrepid, and despotic; the temper is fiery and passionate.

 Generally speaking, this sign gives a very quarrelsome, irritable, pugnacious person. His diseases are those of the head, small pox, measles, and fevers. Of plants his sign blooms, holly, broom, thistle, dock, fern, garlic, hemp, mustard, nettles, onions, poppies, radish, rhubarb and peppers. Of stones, Aries rules firestone, brimstone, ochre, and all common red stones.

 Art by Marta Sokolowska


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 


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