Taurus The Bull
The sign Taurus, in its symbolical aspect, represents the powers of fecundity, and also the procreative forces in all departments of Nature. It’s genus was symbolised as Aphrodite, who was generally represented as wearing the two horns upon her head in imitation of the Bull. Representing the Moon of Isis and the figure of Venus, because the planet Venus rules the constellation of the Bull by her sympathetic forces, whilst the Moon finds its exaltation there. Apis, the sacred Bull of the Egyptians, is another conception of Taurus. And as the sun passed through this sign during their plowing month, we also find the sign used as the symbol of husbandry.
Kabbalistically, the sign Taurus, represents the ears, neck, and throat of the grand old man in the skies, hence, this sign is the silent, patient, listening principle of humanity; also, it is the governor of the lymphatic system of the organism. Taurus, on the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Issachar, which means hireling or servant. The patriarch, in his parental blessing to Issachar, refers to the obedient, laborious nature of this sign, as follows: “Issachar is a strong ass, crouching down between two burdens.” This is pre-eminently the earthly nature of Taurus, as the ass and the ox are equally remarkable for their endurance as beasts of burden.
The Kabbalistical gem of this sign is agate, and therefore, this stone constitutes a natural talisman for those born with Taurus on their Ascendant. Taurus is the highest emanation of the earthly trigon, and is the constellation for the planet Venus.
Upon the intellectual plane, Taurus signifies the quickening, germinating powers of silent thought and represents that which is pleasant and good, consequently, those dominated by this influx are able to choose to assimilate that which is good. They are slow to form opinions, are careful, plodding and self-reliant, and patiently await the realisation of results.
The chief mental characteristics are industry and application. Upon the physical plane, Taurus gives a middle stature with strong, well-knit body, and short, thick, Bull-like neck, broad forehead and dark hair, a dull complexion and rather large mouth. In disposition, the natives of the earthly trigon are sullen and reserved. They make firm friends, and unrelenting foes. Slow to anger, they are, like the Bull, violent and furious when aroused. Of plants this sign rules beets, plantain, colts-foot, columbine, daises, dandelions, gourds, myrtle, flax, larkspur, lilies, moss and spinach. Of stones, Taurus governs Emerald, white coral, alabaster, moonstone, and all common white stones that are opaque.
The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne
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