The Fifth House

Spiritually considered the fifth house, or the house of children, symbolised by Sagittarius, signifies the offspring of sex (Scorpio), entities sent forth to people Earth, to take their chances in life, speculating on its future course, fearlessly eager for the struggle, gaining pleasure in its migrations and activities. 

Upon the reversed order of the Zodiac on the external human plane, the fifth house is symbolised by Leo. The joys and sorrows that offspring of every kind bring, all belong to the house of the heart. The ultimate sacrifice. The fifth house is known as the ‘Bona Fortuna’ and the house of pleasure. It’s a cadent, masculine, diurnal house that favourably aspects the ascendant, alleviating its cadency. It rules over the stomach, liver, heart and back; back of the shoulders and is affiliated with black and white, or honey colour. 

As a house of pleasure it rules over all things governing fun and enjoyment. In this house you will find arts, music, dancing, merriment, banquets, inns, pubs, taverns, theatres, plays, and parks; all places of entertainment and enjoyment. Parties and social occasions, feasts, sports and games, sporting arenas, resorts and gymnasiums. Gambling and sports betting, lotteries and all forms of stock market speculation. As a house of children, here we will see pregnancies, pregnant women, sex of an unborn child and the condition of children. One can derive love affairs, romance, lovemaking, sex, procreation and conception. If afflicted, promiscuity, sexual inhibition, immorality, overindulgence, scandals, trouble and distress from children. 

It will show gifts and all pleasant things and items purchased for pleasure and enjoyment. On a larger scale it shows Ambassadors and diplomats. All public places of enjoyment and recreation, amusement parks, publicly owned state buildings, national art galleries, zoos, cinemas, etc. It’s the school and education system, national birth rates, social issues related to children, and society’s views on sexual issues and promiscuity. Raphael notes; “Saturn in the fifth house lowers birth rates, shows much trouble to women and children, Great Depression in theatrical circles, and death and indisposition among noted people in that profession. If much afflicted it increases the evil and causes crime against children, and much vice, distress and immorality.” As the succeedent house to the fourth angle it shows ammunition of a town under attack. 

 Co-signified by Leo and Venus, Venus finds her joys in this house, Lily says; “Venus who doth joy in this house, in regard it’s the house of pleasure, delight and merriment; it’s wholly unfortunate by Mars and Saturn, and they therein show disobedient children and untoward.” This house can show the possibility of having children and the sex of the unborn child. It’s suggested that Saturn and Mars here do not bode well for pregnancy but Jupiter is a strong and undeniable indication of fertility, “for all prolification comes from Jupiter.” It’s the fathers wealth and his personal possessions (2nd from 4th). Simmonite adds that as the eighth house from the midheaven, it reveals the death of the monarch.


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 

Deborah Houlding,


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