The Tenth House

Spiritually considered, the South angle, meridian or tenth house, pertaining to honour is symbolised by Cancer, the highest point of the arc of the souls involution as a differentiated atom of Deity within angelic spheres. Having evolved the first dual expression of its Ego self, the twin souls- sensation and aspirations, or love and wisdom, the ego rests a while, radiant with celestial love and wisdom inspiring the divine breath of life. Again the restless impulse of creative purpose aroused the ego to further action. The culminating point has been reached, and now must begin an apparent downward course towards the western horizon. 

Upon the reverse of the zodiac, on the external human plane, the tenth now symbolised by Capricorn, tells of the honour, position and fame acquired by patient labour. The crystallised material gains, the concrete result of ambition, skill and talent, which will at the close of this earthly career, become liquified by the universal resolvent symbolised in Cancer. The tenth house is known as the Medium Coeli, The House of Profession, it’s an angular, feminine, nocturnal house, regarded as the most important angle of all. It’s associated with the colour pink, the knees, shins, and calves. It will show the cure for a disease and whether or not the medicine will overcome illness. 

In this house we will see ones profession, trade, employment and those who we work for or are in command. It’s prestige, reputation, power, control, dignity, glory, fame, notoriety in the public eye, acclaim and advancement in career. It will generally show ones likelihood of success in life. 

The Sun, Jupiter or Venus, if well aspected indicate professional success; Saturn shows responsibility or if poorly aspected, disgrace and ruin. It describes those in dignified positions; Kings, Dukes, Princes, Earls, the Government or those in office. All forms of authority in decision making or those who enforce law; police, courts, judges, magistrates, commanding officers and as such, will show the judgements or rulings. It’s the desire to achieve and give to the world, it indicates that which we manifest into our community and the fruits of our labour’s. 

Traditionally it has been recognised to influence many matters including marriage and children, and has long been considered the house of the mother. On a larger scale the tenth is the authority over a nation, whether that be prime ministers, presidents or dictators. It’s the police or armed forces when they assert authority over citizens. It’s the kingdom, dukedom, empire, country and the head of the state. It’s the credit and national power, national trade and influence; all that which creates the national reputation. 

In matters of conflict, if the tenth is afflicted it shows corrupt or unjust rulings; if dignified, justice will be served. It’s the power to convict and execute and the nature of air borne attacks. The tenth shows property belonging to another (4th from the 7th) and the grandchildren’s wealth (2nd from 9th). It shows the price of a financial matters, if the tenth lord is dignified or strong through angle, it shows a high price, if it’s afflicted or retrograde the price will fail. Capricorn and Mars co significance the tenth and although no planets rejoice in this house, Lily says; “either Jupiter or the Sun do much fortunate this house when they are positioned herein; Saturn or south node usually deny honour, as to persons of quality, or but little esteem in the world to a vulgar person; not much joy in his profession, trade or mystery.”


The Light of Egypt; Thomas Burgoyne 

Deborah Houlding,


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