
The Twelfth House

Spiritually considered the twelfth house is symbolised by Taurus representing the first expression of form of the human soul. It is matter in the most etherealised state. It is the trail of the serpent; the silent, secret, tenacious, negative principle; that ultimately draws the soul down into the vortices of gross matter and death.  Upon the reverse of the zodiac, the external human plane the twelfth house is now symbolised by Pisces. The idols, false ideals and vampires of his own creation, are to be cleansed and washed away by the waters of love, the universal solvent that is ever seeking to bring change and new forms; born again of water to make the round of the astral zodiac, until, having again reached the equator of the ascending arc, where he is reunited to the missing half of the soul, the true friend of the Edenic state; the highest point in the arc of human progress won; the honour and glory of a perfected soul; the Lord and Master, the ‘I am that I am’, to rest In peace...

The Eleventh House

Spiritually considered the eleventh house, or House of Friends, symbolised by Gemini, the twins, expressive of the first emanation of this sublime relationship, the dual attributes, love and wisdom, closest friends. It is sensation and aspiration, which enable the spirit to attain to the exalted state indicated by the tenth house.  Upon the reversed of the zodiac, the external human plane, the eleventh house is symbolised by Aquarius. Friends surround and welcome him. These friends are pure thoughts, noble impulses, lofty ideals, and generous deeds. The bread cast upon the waters of life returns to nourish and sustain him in his encounter with the secret foes from the twelfth.  The eleventh house is known as the ‘Bona Fortuna’ or ‘Good Fortune’, it’s a succeedent, masculine, diurnal house, and is considered a house of major influence because it rises to the midheaven. Astrologers like Ptolemy and Simmonite gave it rulership over children. Lily also suggested it to be of equal ...

The Tenth House

Spiritually considered, the South angle, meridian or tenth house, pertaining to honour is symbolised by Cancer, the highest point of the arc of the souls involution as a differentiated atom of Deity within angelic spheres. Having evolved the first dual expression of its Ego self, the twin souls- sensation and aspirations, or love and wisdom, the ego rests a while, radiant with celestial love and wisdom inspiring the divine breath of life. Again the restless impulse of creative purpose aroused the ego to further action. The culminating point has been reached, and now must begin an apparent downward course towards the western horizon.  Upon the reverse of the zodiac, on the external human plane, the tenth now symbolised by Capricorn, tells of the honour, position and fame acquired by patient labour. The crystallised material gains, the concrete result of ambition, skill and talent, which will at the close of this earthly career, become liquified by the universal resolvent symbolised ...

The Ninth House

Spiritually considered the ninth house of the celestial map is the House of Science, Art, Religion and Philosophy, and is symbolised by Leo, the heart, with its emotions, love, longings and sympathies. Having evolved the twins, and inspiring the divine breath of wisdom; glowing with Deific love, the Ego aspires to know; and all of the sympathies of the soul are aroused. Dauntless and fearless, defying all opposition and consequences, the Ego is ready to sacrifice this angelic state and explore the boundless universe in pursuit of knowledge, and goes forth on its, long voyage upon the ocean of infinite, fathomless love and wisdom.  Upon the reversed zodiac, the external human plane, the ninth house is now governed by Sagittarius, where, within knowledge acquired, self sits in judgment upon the works of the hands and mind, whether or not they have been well done; the sacrifice of the lower nature properly made, control of the triune being established, the transmutations corrected and...

The Eighth House

 Spiritually considered the eighth house, or House of Death and Legacies is symbolised by Virgo, the virgin wife, standing before the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” fascinated by the flattering prospects of greater power and wisdom. Desire and sympathy draw the soul down into realms which lead to death, and the beginning of a heritage of sorrow.  Upon the reversed zodiac, the external human plane, the eighth is now symbolised by Scorpio where the old Adam dies. The sensuous has no place in the balanced harmonious being, but recognises sex as law, the door to regeneration now, and that a new legacy is awaiting him. The eighth house is known as the Epicataphora, which means ‘casting down’, it’s a succeedent, feminine and nocturnal house, associated with dark green. In the body it represents the sexual organs, haemorrhoids, gall stones, strangury, the bladder, groin, piles and poisons in general.  This house relates to all matters of death, decay, fear, anxiety and lo...

The Seventh House

Spiritually considered, the seventh house or The House of Marriage is represented by Libra (the balance) , or point of equilibrium; where two souls are still one, balanced upon the western horizon. The alluring temptations of material illusion draws the soul downward, and divorces from their celestial state, until the twilight of consciousness of that former state is lost in the night of material conditions.  Upon the reverse of the zodiac, the external human plane, this house symbolises law, open enemies and justice. It’s a physical sense of duality and unity between self and another of which the antagonism of these matters becomes evidently apparent. The seventh house is also know as Dysis or the Western Angle. It’s an angular, masculine, diurnal house; it’s a strong and powerful house, but is said to attack the safety of the chart through its opposition to the ascendant. It’s associated with black and dark colours, in the body it rules from the navel to the top of the legs, inc...

The Sixth House

Spiritually considered the sixth house, or house of Sickness, menials and sorrows is symbolised by Scorpio. The fall from Libra, through Scorpio (sex), created the first condition of what we recognise as sickness and affliction. It is evident that this house is related to elementals of the astral plane, which become servitors of man.  Upon the reverse of the Zodiac, on the external human plane, the sixth house governs sickness and disease, and is symbolical of Virgo, an earthy sign, clearly showing us that the material form is the matrix, out of which are born diseases and suffering. But, the perfect assimilation of the fruit of the “Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil;” transmuting the trials, experiences, sorrows, and suffering of the physical and external life into his material universe; and the blind forces of Nature become his servant.  The sixth house is known as the ‘Mala Fortuna’, it’s a cadent, feminine, nocturnal house, considered to be unfortunate by the lack of aspe...