
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Twelfth House

Spiritually considered the twelfth house is symbolised by Taurus representing the first expression of form of the human soul. It is matter in the most etherealised state. It is the trail of the serpent; the silent, secret, tenacious, negative principle; that ultimately draws the soul down into the vortices of gross matter and death.  Upon the reverse of the zodiac, the external human plane the twelfth house is now symbolised by Pisces. The idols, false ideals and vampires of his own creation, are to be cleansed and washed away by the waters of love, the universal solvent that is ever seeking to bring change and new forms; born again of water to make the round of the astral zodiac, until, having again reached the equator of the ascending arc, where he is reunited to the missing half of the soul, the true friend of the Edenic state; the highest point in the arc of human progress won; the honour and glory of a perfected soul; the Lord and Master, the ‘I am that I am’, to rest In peace...

The Eleventh House

Spiritually considered the eleventh house, or House of Friends, symbolised by Gemini, the twins, expressive of the first emanation of this sublime relationship, the dual attributes, love and wisdom, closest friends. It is sensation and aspiration, which enable the spirit to attain to the exalted state indicated by the tenth house.  Upon the reversed of the zodiac, the external human plane, the eleventh house is symbolised by Aquarius. Friends surround and welcome him. These friends are pure thoughts, noble impulses, lofty ideals, and generous deeds. The bread cast upon the waters of life returns to nourish and sustain him in his encounter with the secret foes from the twelfth.  The eleventh house is known as the ‘Bona Fortuna’ or ‘Good Fortune’, it’s a succeedent, masculine, diurnal house, and is considered a house of major influence because it rises to the midheaven. Astrologers like Ptolemy and Simmonite gave it rulership over children. Lily also suggested it to be of equal ...

The Tenth House

Spiritually considered, the South angle, meridian or tenth house, pertaining to honour is symbolised by Cancer, the highest point of the arc of the souls involution as a differentiated atom of Deity within angelic spheres. Having evolved the first dual expression of its Ego self, the twin souls- sensation and aspirations, or love and wisdom, the ego rests a while, radiant with celestial love and wisdom inspiring the divine breath of life. Again the restless impulse of creative purpose aroused the ego to further action. The culminating point has been reached, and now must begin an apparent downward course towards the western horizon.  Upon the reverse of the zodiac, on the external human plane, the tenth now symbolised by Capricorn, tells of the honour, position and fame acquired by patient labour. The crystallised material gains, the concrete result of ambition, skill and talent, which will at the close of this earthly career, become liquified by the universal resolvent symbolised ...

The Ninth House

Spiritually considered the ninth house of the celestial map is the House of Science, Art, Religion and Philosophy, and is symbolised by Leo, the heart, with its emotions, love, longings and sympathies. Having evolved the twins, and inspiring the divine breath of wisdom; glowing with Deific love, the Ego aspires to know; and all of the sympathies of the soul are aroused. Dauntless and fearless, defying all opposition and consequences, the Ego is ready to sacrifice this angelic state and explore the boundless universe in pursuit of knowledge, and goes forth on its, long voyage upon the ocean of infinite, fathomless love and wisdom.  Upon the reversed zodiac, the external human plane, the ninth house is now governed by Sagittarius, where, within knowledge acquired, self sits in judgment upon the works of the hands and mind, whether or not they have been well done; the sacrifice of the lower nature properly made, control of the triune being established, the transmutations corrected and...

The Eighth House

 Spiritually considered the eighth house, or House of Death and Legacies is symbolised by Virgo, the virgin wife, standing before the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” fascinated by the flattering prospects of greater power and wisdom. Desire and sympathy draw the soul down into realms which lead to death, and the beginning of a heritage of sorrow.  Upon the reversed zodiac, the external human plane, the eighth is now symbolised by Scorpio where the old Adam dies. The sensuous has no place in the balanced harmonious being, but recognises sex as law, the door to regeneration now, and that a new legacy is awaiting him. The eighth house is known as the Epicataphora, which means ‘casting down’, it’s a succeedent, feminine and nocturnal house, associated with dark green. In the body it represents the sexual organs, haemorrhoids, gall stones, strangury, the bladder, groin, piles and poisons in general.  This house relates to all matters of death, decay, fear, anxiety and lo...

The Seventh House

Spiritually considered, the seventh house or The House of Marriage is represented by Libra (the balance) , or point of equilibrium; where two souls are still one, balanced upon the western horizon. The alluring temptations of material illusion draws the soul downward, and divorces from their celestial state, until the twilight of consciousness of that former state is lost in the night of material conditions.  Upon the reverse of the zodiac, the external human plane, this house symbolises law, open enemies and justice. It’s a physical sense of duality and unity between self and another of which the antagonism of these matters becomes evidently apparent. The seventh house is also know as Dysis or the Western Angle. It’s an angular, masculine, diurnal house; it’s a strong and powerful house, but is said to attack the safety of the chart through its opposition to the ascendant. It’s associated with black and dark colours, in the body it rules from the navel to the top of the legs, inc...

The Sixth House

Spiritually considered the sixth house, or house of Sickness, menials and sorrows is symbolised by Scorpio. The fall from Libra, through Scorpio (sex), created the first condition of what we recognise as sickness and affliction. It is evident that this house is related to elementals of the astral plane, which become servitors of man.  Upon the reverse of the Zodiac, on the external human plane, the sixth house governs sickness and disease, and is symbolical of Virgo, an earthy sign, clearly showing us that the material form is the matrix, out of which are born diseases and suffering. But, the perfect assimilation of the fruit of the “Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil;” transmuting the trials, experiences, sorrows, and suffering of the physical and external life into his material universe; and the blind forces of Nature become his servant.  The sixth house is known as the ‘Mala Fortuna’, it’s a cadent, feminine, nocturnal house, considered to be unfortunate by the lack of aspe...

The Fifth House

Spiritually considered the fifth house, or the house of children, symbolised by Sagittarius, signifies the offspring of sex (Scorpio), entities sent forth to people Earth, to take their chances in life, speculating on its future course, fearlessly eager for the struggle, gaining pleasure in its migrations and activities.  Upon the reversed order of the Zodiac on the external human plane, the fifth house is symbolised by Leo. The joys and sorrows that offspring of every kind bring, all belong to the house of the heart. The ultimate sacrifice. The fifth house is known as the ‘Bona Fortuna’ and the house of pleasure. It’s a cadent, masculine, diurnal house that favourably aspects the ascendant, alleviating its cadency. It rules over the stomach, liver, heart and back; back of the shoulders and is affiliated with black and white, or honey colour.  As a house of pleasure it rules over all things governing fun and enjoyment. In this house you will find arts, music, dancing, merrim...

The Fourth House

Spiritually considered, the fourth angle or Nadir, the point opposite the M.C, signifies the frozen North, and is symbolised by Capricorn, the crystallising point of the souls involution. It is death, inertia, that is, crystallisation of the souls spiritual forces. It is the lowest point of the arc in the Monads downward journey. It is the night before the awakening day upon a higher plane of existence.  Upon the reversed of the Zodiac, the mundane, external human plane, Cancer now symbolises the fourth house. Where the great honours of achievement in life are mirrored by the end of the mundane affairs, where the culmination has reversed and life leads on to death and the grave. Returning to the source of the physical, crystallised form. The home and comfort of the physical vessel, all in accordance with the heritage and genetic implications of which it first adhered to. As such, the fourth house relates to the roots of our existence and the very foundation on which we gain our fo...

The Third House

Spiritually considered the third house is symbolised by Aquarius. This is the first step of the upward journey, or evolution, from the inert mineral state. The changes are now rapid; the journey innumerable; through mineral, vegetable, and animal planes of existence. Here, the Soul Monad brings into actual practice the knowledge gained on its long voyage. The magical powers of the soul are brought into action to affect these changes in form and function, conquering material forces and planes of life, transmitting nature’s elements to its uses and purposes, and writing its history, ads to its journey ever onward, step by step. And further, this house stands in opposition of the ninth house, symbolised by Leo; longing to expand its (the Egos) possibilities through trial and suffering; gaining knowledge through bitter experiences; yet fearlessly braving all things; guided and sustained by the imperial will of spirit. The recompense promised by that supreme sacrifice has been won in Aquari...

The Second House

The 2nd House Spiritually considered the second house relates to Pisces, the House of Wealth, that which has been accumulated on the long and toilsome journey- the wealth of experience, acquired through trials and struggles. And now, with higher, greater possibilities, the soul eagerly awaits the hour it shall be born again, a conscious, responsible being, to begin the second round of the Cyclic Ladder; on this second round, to externalise the knowledge gained, to evolve the involved attributes and forces of being;- a creature of Will and intellect to work out its destiny, as the lord of material creation.  Upon the reversed Zodiac, the external human plane, the second house is now represented by Taurus. Showing us now that personal wealth and possession must come through patient servitude, steady application, and diligence, in being able to choose and assimilate the knowledge, that will enable man to battle with material conditions, and wrest from the abundant sources of Mother N...

The First House

The four angles of the horoscope correspond to the 4 elements, the four triplicities, and the four cardinal points; or epochs in the souls involution from pure spirit to the crystallising, inert, mineral state. The Zodiac is reverse of the external to that of its spiritual application. The first angle is the Ascendant, or house of life. It is the eastern horizon and symbolised by Aries. Upon the interior, this first angle stands for the birth, or differentiation of the Divine Ego, as a result of the creative action or impulse of the deific mind. The Ego rises upon the Eastern horizon of celestial state, a glowing, scintillating atom of pure intelligence, an absolute, eternal Ego, rising out of the ocean of Infinite love. Although the order of the Zodiac is reversed upon the external human plane, Aries always symbolises of the 1st angle, because now the mission of the soul is to evolve the positive external attributes. Aries rules the brain and the fiery, imperial will.  It sign...

Pisces The Fish

This sign symbolises the flood; chiefly because, when Sol passes through this sign the rainy season commences; clearing away the winter snows, the melting torrents of which flood valleys and lowlands. This sign is also the terminus of Apollo’s journey through the twelve signs. “Near their loved waves cold Pisces keep their seat, with Aries join, and make the round complete.”  Kabbalistically, the sign Pisces signifies the feet of the grand cosmic man; and therefore, represents the basis of the foundation of all external things as well as the mechanical forces of humanity. It is the natural emblem of patient servitude and obedience. This sign, upon the esoteric planisphere is occupied by Ephraim and Manasseh, the two sons of Joseph, who received their portion in in Israel as the two feet of the grand archetypal man. It signifies confirmation, also baptism by water. It also indicates to us the grand cycle of necessity; commencing with the disruptive, flashing dominating fire of Arie...

Aquarius The Water Bearer

This sign symbolises judgment. This constellation forms the starry original of the urn of Minos, from which flow wrath and condemnation or blessings and reward, according to the works done in the body, irrespective of theological faith. The earlier baptismal urns of the primitive Christians, and the elaborate stone font of the later churches are relics of this great astral religion.  Kabbalistically, the sign Aquarius signifies the legs of the grand archetypal man, and therefore, represents the locomotive functions of the human organism. It is the natural emblem of the changeable, moveable and migratory forces of the body. The Water-bearer, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Reuben. “The excellency of dignity and the excellency of power.” A simple but magnificent astrological description of this sign, which, from time immemorial, has been symbolises by two wavy lines, like ripples of running water.  This sign signifies consecration, and not only contains the rites a...

Capricorn The Goat

This sign, in its symbolical aspect, typifies sin. The scapegoat of the Israelites; and the universal offering of a kid or young goat as an atoning sacrifice for sin, are significant. The different qualities of the sheep and goat, from a symbolical standpoint, are used by St. John in his mystical Apocalypse. The Redeemer of mankind, or Sun God, is always born at midnight directly Sol enters this sign, which is the winter solstice, “The young child” is born in the stable and laid in the manger of the goat, in order that he may conquer the remaining signs of winter or death, and thus save mankind from destruction.  Kabbalistically, the sign Capricorn signifies the knees of the grand macrocosm and represents the first principle in the trinity of locomotion, the joints; bending, pliable and moveable. It is the emblem of material servitude and as such is worthy of notice. Capricorn, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Naphtali, whom Jacob says, “is a hind let loose, he giveth ...

Sagittarius The Archer

This constellation, in its symbolic aspect, represents the dual nature, as it symbolises retribution and also the hunting sports. We find it depicted as the Centaur, with the bow drawn to its head ready for shooting. Hence, it was frequently used to designate the autumnal sports, the chase etc. The Centaur was also a symbol of authority and worldly wisdom. Mackey, speaking of this sign, said; “The starry Centaur still bends the bow, to show his sense of what you did below.”   Kabbalistically, the sign Sagittarius signifies the thighs of the grand universal man. It, therefore, represents the muscular foundation of the seat of locomotion in humanity. It is the emblem of stability, foundation and physical power. This sign also represents the centres of physical, external, authority, and command. Sagittarius, upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Joseph. “His bow abode in strength,” says the patriarch, “and the arms of his hands were made strong.” It also represents the...

Scorpio The Scorpion

The sign Scorpio, in its symbolical aspect, symbolises death and deceit. It is the allegorical serpent of matter mentioned in Genesis as tempting Eve. Hence, the so-called fall of man from Libra, the point of equilibrium, to degradation and death by deceit of Scorpio. No wonder the primitive mind, when elaborating this symbol, tried to express a spirit of retaliation; as Mackey says, in speaking of these ancient races: “And as an act of vengeance on your part, you placed within the sun a scorpions heart.” Thus alluding to the brilliant star Antares.  Kabbalistically, the sign Scorpio typifies the generative organs of the grand man, and consequently, represents the sexual or pro-creative system of humanity. It is the emblem of generation of life; therefore, the natives of Scorpio excel in fruitfulness and seminal fluids, and this creates a corresponding increase of desire. A distinct reference to the fruitfulness of this sign will be found in Genesis, wherein Leah, when she behel...

Libra The Scales

This constellation, in its symbolical aspect, typifies justice. Most people have no doubt seen the goddess of justice represented as a female, blind-folded, holding on her hand a pair of scales. This conception is purely astrological, and refers to the celestial Libra of the heavens. The sun enter this sign about the 21st of September, when the poet Manilius says: “Day and night are weighed in Libras scales, equal awhile, at last the night prevails.”  Kabbalistically, the sign of Libra signifies the reins and loins of the grand celestial man, and therefore, represents the central conservatory or store house of the reproductive fluids. It is also the magnetic vortex of pro-creative strength. This constellation also represents, in the most interior aspect, the equinoctial point of the arc in the ascending and descending cycle of the life atom. Therefore, this sign contains the unification of the cosmic forces as the grand central point of equilibrium of the sphere.  Libra upon ...

Virgo The Virgin

The sign symbolises chastity and forms the central idea of a great number of myths. The Sun-God is always born at midnight, on the 25th of December, at which time the constellation of Virgo is seen shining above the horizon in the east. Hence, originated the primitive idea of the Son of God, being born of a Virgin. When the sun passes through this sign the harvest is ready for the reaper; hence, Virgo symbolises as the gleaning maid with two ears of wheat in her hand.  Kabbalistically, the sign Virgo signifies the solar plexus of the grand archetypal man, and therefore, represents the assimilating and distributing functions of the human organism. Consequently, we find that those born under this influence posses fine discriminating powers as to the choice of food best adapted to their particular organic requirements. This constellation, as governing the bowels of humanity, is highly important, since the intestines comprise a very vital section of the digestive organism and vital flu...

Leo The Lion

The sign Leo symbolises strength, courage and fire. The hottest portion of the year, in the northern hemisphere, is when the sun is passing through this sign. It is the solar Lion of the mysteries that ripens, with its own internal heat, the fruits brought forth from the earth by the germination and moisture of Isis.   Kabbalistically, the sign Leo signifies the heart of the grand man, and represents the life centre of the fluidic circulatory system of humanity. It is also the fire vortex of physical life. Hence, those born under this influx are noted for a superior strength of their physical constitution; and also for their wonderful recuperative powers after being exhausted by sickness.  The sign Leo upon the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Judah, of whom his dying parent says, “Judah is a lions whelp, from the prey my son thou art gone up. He stooped down, he couched as a lion.” This sign reveals to us mysteries of the ancient sacrifice, and the laws of compensat...

Cancer The Crab

The sign of Cancer symbolises tenacity in life. The crab, in order to move forward, is compelled to walk backwards; which illustrates the suns apparent motion, when in this sign, where it commences to move backwards toward to equator again. It also represents the fruitful, sustaining essence of life forces, hence, we see the symbol of the crab occupying a prominent position upon the breast of the statue of Isis, the universal mother and sustainer of all. Kabbalistically, the sign Cancer signifies the vital organs of the grand man of the starry heavens, and therefore, represents the breathing and digestive functions of the human family. And also indicates the magnetic control of this constellation over the spiritual, ethereal and vital essences, and the capacity of those specially dominated by this nature to receive and assimilate inspirational currents. Hence, Cancer governs the powers of inspiration and respiration of the grand man.  The sign Cancer, upon the esoteric planispher...

Gemini The Twins

The sign Gemini, in its symbolical aspect, symbolises unity, and the strength of united action, also the truths of matehood. The two bright stars, Castor and Pollux, represent the twin souls. The Greek myth of Castor and Pollux avenging the rape of Helen, is only a repetition of the biblical story of Simeon and Levi, slaughtering the men of Shechem for the outrage committed upon their sister Dinah by the son of Hamor.  Kabbalistically, the sign Gemini represents the hands and arms of the grand man of the universe, and therefore, expresses the projecting and executive forces of humanity in all mechanical departments. Upon the esoteric planisphere, the sign is occupied by Simeon and Levi. “They are brethren,” says Jacob, “and instruments of cruelty are in their habitations,”- which refers in a very unmistakable manner to the fearfully potent powers of projection that lie concealed within the magnetic constitutions of all those who are dominated by the sign.  The mystical symbol ...

Taurus The Bull

The sign Taurus, in its symbolical aspect, represents the powers of fecundity, and also the procreative forces in all departments of Nature. It’s genus was symbolised as Aphrodite, who was generally represented as wearing the two horns upon her head in imitation of the Bull. Representing the Moon of Isis and the figure of Venus, because the planet Venus rules the constellation of the Bull by her sympathetic forces, whilst the Moon finds its exaltation there. Apis, the sacred Bull of the Egyptians, is another conception of Taurus. And as the sun passed through this sign during their plowing month, we also find the sign used as the symbol of husbandry.  Kabbalistically, the sign Taurus, represents the ears, neck, and throat of the grand old man in the skies, hence, this sign is the silent, patient, listening principle of humanity; also, it is the governor of the lymphatic system of the organism. Taurus, on the esoteric planisphere, is occupied by Issachar, which means hireling or ser...

Aries The Ram

The sign Aries, in its symbolical aspect, represents the sacrifice. The flocks and heards bring forth their young during the portion of the year when the sun occupies this sign. In addition to the sacrifice, the Ram also symbolises the spring and the commencement of a new year, when life, light and love, are to be bestowed upon the sons of earth in consequence of the sun having once more gained the victory over the realms of winter and death.  The symbol of the slain lamb upon the equinoctial cross, is another type of Aries. Kabbalistically, the sign Aries represents the head and brains of the good man of the cosmos. It is the acting, thinking principle in nature called, sometimes, instinct, and again intelligence. Upon the esoteric planisphere, the sign is occupied by Benjamin, of whom Jacob, in his blessings to serve the twelve sons, says “Benjamin shall rave as a wolf, in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night divide the spoils.” Above all other animals, the wolf is...